The recently completed Sycamore Inspires Campaign raised $2.6 million dollars in gifts and pledges over a two-year period. cmpaign had three goals: 1) to fully reimagine and build a renovated Media Center ($1.1M); 2) to create the Borgmann Inspiration Fund as a source for teacher renewal projects ($500K); and 3) to maintain the Sycamore Fund for two years ($1M).
For more information about giving to Sycamore School, contact Melanie MacKillop in the Advancement Office at 317.202.2540 or
As you enter the school, the new Media Center, completed in August, 2024, will generate an energy that will flow into the Guenthner Lobby and the rest of the building. This flagship project transformed the existing library into a modern, multi-use hub for students, expanding opportunities for teaching and learning while infusing a modern vibe into the specialized spaces, bustling with activity and student life.
Thank you to the many donors who have helped us with this project.
Construction: March 6 was the last day of normal library access this school year. We safely storied the majority of our books offsite in March. Construction commenced on March 22, and coninuted through July. The space will be unveiled in early August as a fully operational new Media Center for students and the Sycamore community for the 2024-25 school year. With added technology and access, instruction takes place in various areas of the Media Center, including collaborative spaces. Apple TV project material possible in different settings. Natural and LED lighting brightens the space along with adding color and images to walls and fixtures, drawing students and teachers in. Murals and use of color enliven the space and define separate areas.
Sycamore Circle*: $2,500 and up
*Donors at the Sycamore Circle and above are invited to attend many special events, receptions, and pre-event gatherings.
All Sycamore Fund gifts are recognized annually in the Sycamore magazine.
Some employers will match your gift. Simply submit a matching gift form, often available on your company’s website or from the Human Resources Department along with confirmation of your gift or pledge. Our Advancement Office will handle the processing.
Gifts of appreciated securities offer you two-fold tax savings. First, you do not pay capital gains tax on the increased value of the securities. Second, you are entitled to a tax deduction equal to the fair market value of the securities on the date the gift was given. Directions on how to give a gift of appreciated securities are available from Jim Wood, Director of Advancement, at 317-202-2504 or
The Sycamore Society recognizes and honors individuals who provide support for Sycamore in their wills, trusts, life insurance designations, and other planned gifts. Your investment funds the Financial Aid Endowment, which attracts and retains gifted students at Sycamore. As you choose where to invest your estate funds, we hope you will consider a gift to Sycamore School.
Making a gift to the Sycamore Fund in honor or in memory of a loved one or cherished teacher is a wonderful way to pay tribute to him/her. We will send an acknowledgment to the honoree or family of the honoree as well as provide you with a receipt for your tax-deductible contribution. When giving online, in the comment box below, tell us about your tribute/in honor of/in memory of gift.
Making a gift to the Sycamore Fund in honor or in memory of a loved one or cherished teacher is a wonderful way to pay tribute to him/her. We will send an acknowledgment to the honoree or family of the honoree as well as provide you with a receipt for your tax-deductible contribution. When giving online, in the comment box below, tell us about your tribute/in honor of/in memory of gift.
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