Why Sycamore

Welcome to Sycamore School!
Since our founding in 1984, our school has filled a specific need for academically gifted children and the community, and we are proud to provide a rich, robust program for our students. The school’s purpose, built into its mission, is to provide an enriched, accelerated education for gifted learners so that they may reach their potential and lead responsible, constructive, fulfilling lives. This mission informs our world and our work.
So often, families come to Sycamore searching for a school that can meet their child’s high academic needs, as these needs aren’t always met in other school settings. Not only are we able to offer a program of vigorous academics, thanks to our trained and talented teachers, but we provide a wide range of opportunities in the arts and athletics as well. Intertwined throughout the program are our four core character values of respect, moral courage, empathy, and relationships. We hold these values for all members of our community.
Please take some time to tour our website, and then come visit us in person. A website can only go so far to share the vibrant energy that pervades Sycamore, so don’t hesitate to witness firsthand what makes Sycamore the preeminent school for gifted learners. There is nothing so joyful as to see students of high potential interacting with each other and their teachers to explore novel ideas and surprise themselves with their newfound skills and abilities.
Come and see for yourself!
John Huber
Head of School
Sycamore School
As a parent, you have already made certain promises to your children.
You have promised to keep them safe. To love them. To discover who they are, and to do what you can do to help them grow in that identity. You have promised to help them develop a vision for their lives. To equip them. And to send them into the world as prepared as they can be.
At Sycamore School, those are our promises to your child. And to you.
If you would like to learn more about Sycamore from a current or past parent, the Enrollment Management Office is glad to help make that connection for you! Simply contact the Enrollment Management Office at admissions@sycamoreschool.org or at 317-202-2544 to request a list of Sycamore Parent Ambassadors. Our Parent Ambassadors are eager to answer any questions you might have about Sycamore!

For most people, the process of getting to know yourself and how you relate to other people is a daunting one. Anything that makes a child feel different can easily make him or her feel like an outsider. An understanding, accepting environment allows children to be themselves.
- At Sycamore School, gifted students learn at a rate and intensity that fits them. It is accelerated, but it’s the rate and challenge that stirs intelligence to life and delight.
- At Sycamore School, gifted students achieve greater learning success. The greatest challenge in educating a gifted student is engagement – and giving minds that cover ground in a big hurry a ton of ground to explore.
- At Sycamore School, high intelligence is normal. Rather than being “different” and feeling like an outsider, gifted is the norm at Sycamore, which allows kids to be themselves.
Sycamore is the one place I fit in, in a world where everywhere else I always stand out.
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