Middle School Extracurricular Programs

Sycamore School offers a variety of extracurricular opportunities for students in grades 5 - 8. Below are the opportunities offered each school year.
Academic Teams: MathCounts, Debate (7th and 8th Grade), VEX Robotics, Science Bowl, Academic Quiz Bowl, Drama Club, Spell Bowl, Odyssey of the Mind
Athletic Teams: Cross Country, Girls' Volleyball, Soccer, Tennis, Boys' Basketball, Girls' Basketball, Co-Ed Baseball, Track & Field
Sycamore School has a long history of participating in math competitions. The goal of the use of math competitions at the middle school level has always been to provide math enrichment activities that focus on problem solving. Students involved in MathCounts can participate in as little or as much as they would like!
The MathCounts Math Team accepts a wide range of math-related experience levels in its participating students. The two most important things for students to know are: 1) MathCounts coaches expect students to be self directed learners and 2) Contests are not designed for students to get 100%. MathCounts coaches are looking for problems that students don't know how to do, rather than testing them on topics they just covered.
How many practices per week?
3 or more days of practice per week
When does MathCounts practice?
A combination of before or after school practices
What is the length of the season?
October to March, with National MathCounts for qualified students held in May
How many competitions are involved?
10-12 (some containing multiple rounds), some of which take place at Sycamore and some of which are held offsite
Third Grade through Fifth Grade - Introduction to VEX Robotics
During Introduction to VEX Robotics, students learn key elements of the VEX Robotics system and how to design prototypes of robots. They also practice basic coding skills. This opportunity is offered through Sycamore’s After School Activities program. Every class is filled with hands-on activities that are not only fun, but are designed to ignite curiosity and inspire future engineers.
Highlights of the Introduction to VEX Robotics Program:
Hands-On Building: Students construct robots from scratch using the VEX Robotics elements and fields.
Programming Fun: Students learn the basics of programming to make robots move, sense, and react.
Creative Challenges: Students engage in team challenges that encourage problem-solving and collaboration.
Scrimmage and Compete: Students compete in friendly and exciting robotics competitions with other teams within the program.
Sixth Grade through Eighth Grade - Independent VEX Robotics Competition Teams
Sixth through Eighth Grade students who would like to be a part of VEX Robotics do so through the formation of and participation in independent teams. Independent teams are teams that are formed by gathering groups of interested students that would like to participate and putting them into groups of 4-5 team members. In this model, Sycamore students can also join with students from outside of Sycamore to help form the team. Independent teams are led by the parents of participating students. There is no Sycamore coach in the independent team robotics model. Independent teams are given support from the school through the following:
Mentorship and guidance: Students and/or parents can contact Melissa Branigan (branigan.melissa@sycamoreschool.org), Director or Extended Programs, if they have any questions or need assistance. Click here for additional information regarding independent teams.
Parts and supplies: Independent teams are welcome to use Sycamore’s robotics parts, fields, and field elements needed to construct the team robot and to practice outside of school.
Practices: Each independent team is responsible for their own practice schedule and can feel free to schedule practices whenever and wherever is convenient for the team members and families. The Sycamore mezzanine can be reserved for independent team practices. Teams should contact Melissa Branigan to reserve a practice time in the mezzanine.
Tournaments: Sycamore School will register and pay for tournaments for independent teams up to and including the VEX State competition. If a team qualifies for the VEX Worlds competition, that team is responsible for all costs associated with competing, including but not limited to all travel expenses and all registration expenses.
How many practices per week: 2 days of practice per week
When does Science Bowl practice: a combination of before and after school practices
Season length: September - May
Number of competitions: 2 competitions
Description: Science Bowl is a fast-paced, buzzer-beater science education and academic team with middle school students answering problem solving, math, and science questions. Tryouts for Sycamore Science Bowl begin in late August and run through early September. This team is for students in grades 6 - 8.
Students have ten opportunities to use buzzer systems to answer science bowl questions. The top ten students will earn a place on that year's Sycamore Science Bowl team. Once teams are determined, students will follow the National Science Bowl (NSB) team rules as practices continue until the Regional competition, usually held in February. Should a team earn first place at the Regional competition, they will receive an invitation from NSB to participate in the Nationals Competition, usually held in late April/early May.
How many practices per week: 2 days of practice per week
When does Academic Bowl practice: a combination of before and after school practices
Season length: November - March
Number of competitions: 2 - 3 competitions
Academic Quiz Bowl is a buzzer based competition team that competes in the Indiana Junior Quiz Bowl sponsored by Indiana Association of School Principals. The team is selected from an interest sign-up sheet open to grades 7 & 8. Students then compete in various buzzer rounds to form the final team(s). Students participating in Academic Quiz Bowl should be interested in having fun and working together as a team.
How many practices per week: 2 days of practice per week
When does Spell Bowl practice: before school practices
Season length: September - November
Number of competitions: 1 -2 competitions
Description: Spell Bowl is an academic team in which students learn to spell from a list of 750 - 1400 designated words. During Spell Bowl, students practice sets of words weekly, learning their definitions and origins, then compete in area competitions. Unlike the traditional oral spelling contest, teams use one representative per round to correctly spell the contest words. Winning teams are named based on the cumulative total of correctly spelled words of all members. Junior and Senior teams have the opportunity to qualify for a State Finals competition.
How many practices per week: 2 days of practice per week
When does Debate practice: during the school day - the elective period, Tuesdays and Fridays
Season length: November - January
Number of competitions: 1 competition
Description: Debate is an organized argument or contest of ideas in which the students discuss a topic from two opposing viewpoints. Sycamore’s Debate team members excel at research and discussion of current events and various topics. In the beginning and throughout the season, students are grouped into teams of two - three students to research and debate current events and assigned topics. Mock debates are held prior to any tournament. Sycamore’s Debate team competes against various other schools in central Indiana and surrounding areas.
- Tennis
- Soccer
- Girls' Volleyball
- Cross Country
- Boys' Basketball
- Girls' Basketball
- Co-ed Baseball
- Track and Field
How many practices per week: 3 practices per week
Season length: start of school until Fall Break
Where are practices: Highland Country Club
Where are competitions: Highland CC and area tennis courts
Number of competitions: 8 - 12 competitions
Provided by Sycamore: uniform, practice/ equipment, game balls
Equipment provided by student: tennis racquet
How many practices per week: 3 practices per week
Season length: start of school until Fall Break
Where are practices: Sycamore soccer field
Where are competitions: Sycamore and other IISL schools
Number of competitions: 10 - 15 competitions
Provided by Sycamore: uniform, practice equipment
Equipment provided by student: cleats and shin guards
How many practices per week: 3 practices per week
Season length: start of school until Fall Break
Where are practices: Sycamore gym
Where are competitions: Sycamore and other IISL schools
Number of competitions: 8 - 12 competitions
Provided by Sycamore: uniform
Equipment provided by student: knee and elbow guards
How many practices per week: 3 practices per week
Season length: start of school until Fall Break
Where are practices: Sycamore recess field and campus
Where are competitions: Sycamore and other IISL schools
Number of competitions: 10 - 15 competitions
Provided by Sycamore: uniform
Equipment provided by student: running shoes
How many practices per week: 5 practices per week
Season length: one full week after Fall Break until first week of February
Where are practices: Sycamore gym
Where are competitions: Sycamore and other IISL schools
Number of competitions: 15 - 20 competitions
Provided by Sycamore: uniform, practice equipment
Equipment provided by student: basketball shoes
How many practices per week: 5 practices per week
Season length: one full week after Fall Break until beginning of March
Where are practices: Sycamore gym
Where are competitions: Sycamore and other IISL schools
Number of competitions: 12 - 17 competitions
Provided by Sycamore: uniform, practice equipment
Equipment provided by student: basketball shoes
How many practices per week: 3 practices per week
Season length: mid-March to mid-May
Where are practices: Washington Township Little League fields
Where are competitions: WTLL and other IISL school fields
Number of competitions: 8 - 12 competitions
Provided by Sycamore: uniform and hat
Equipment provided by student: pants (white and gray), socks (red), belt (red), glove, cleats, bat
How many practices per week: 3 practices per week
Season length: mid-March to mid-May
Where are practices: Sycamore track and recess field
Where are competitions: other IISL schools
Number of competitions: 5 - 9 competitions
Provided by Sycamore: uniform, practice equipment
Equipment provided by student: running shoes
How many practices per week: 3 - 4 practices
When does Drama Club practice: after school from 3:30 - 4:30PM
Season length: December to late March
Description: The goal of the Sycamore Drama Club is to put together and perform a full-scale production which includes: acting, singing, dancing, set design, costume design, makeup, sound, lighting, and other technological components. When participating in Drama Club, it is critical that the students commit to attending a majority of practices during the season. In addition, participants must commit to attending ALL performances.
Please contact Melissa Branigan, Director of Extended Programs, if you have questions regarding Sycamore's Middle School programs.
For Middle School Athletics questions, contact Noah Buchholz, Athletic Coordinator.
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