The Borgmann Inspiration Fund award is given to a teacher each year, and the grants are meant to support creative, intellectual, and personal growth, and fueling a personal, purposeful interest. The Borgmann Inspiration Fund goes above and beyond our many professional development opportunities available each year. For more information about a gift to the Borgmann Inspiration Fund, contact Melanie MacKillop in the Advancement Office at 317.202.2540 or mackillop.melanie@sycamoreschool.org
The Borgmann Inspiration Fund demonstrates Sycamore School's love and appreciation for its teachers and staff. With this fund, teacher can think expansively about ways to gain renewal and refreshment of their own professional zeal. Unlike professional development funds, these grants are meant to support creative, intellectual, and personal growth by fueling a personal, purposeful interest, such as going on an African safari or an archeological dig. Sycamore will continue to offer professional development opportunities to our faculty and staff and the Borgmann Inspiration Fund goes above and beyond those opportunities.
The first recipients of the Borgmann Inspiration Fund were chosen in 2023. Jennifer Hendry (1st grade teacher) and Julie Clawson (4th Grade teacher). Their initial proposals, chosen by the Selection Committee from a group of submissions, were a trip to the Galapagos Islands and to Australia, respectively, and exemplify the spirit and purpose of the Borgmann Inspiration Fund.
Longtime Sycamore Science Teacher David Schuth was awarded the 2024 grant for a trip to explore the science and environment of New Zealand.
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