
1750 West 64th Street


Sycamore Hosting Math Invitational in November

Sycamore MATHCOUNTS team

Sycamore will host 5th – 8th graders from across Central Indiana on Saturday, November 11, 2023 for a MATHCOUNTS-style competition.


The event will last from 10:00 am to approximately 2:30 pm in Sycamore School’s cafeteria, gym and auditorium. Registration is $15 per student. This fee includes lunch.

This competition will be modeled after the popular middle school math competition MATHCOUNTS. There will be two divisions. One division for students in 6th grade and under and one division for students in 8th grade and under. A 6th grade student has the option of taking the 6th grade and under test or the 8th grade and under test, but we strongly recommend they take the 6th and under test. All 5th grade students should take the 6th grade and under test.  MATHCOUNTS has two individual portions of the competition.  

Sprint Round – The Sprint Round is 40 minutes long and has 30 questions. No calculator is allowed.

Target Round – The Target Round is made up of 4 pairs of questions. The students are given 6 minutes for each pair of questions.  Calculators are allowed on the Target Round.

The students will also be participating in a Team Round – They will be randomly assigned teams of 4 for a fun time of solving problems with other students. The contest will be in the form of a guts round which will be explained in detail on the day of the competition.

Tie-Breakers – Tie-breakers will be determined by using the MATHCOUNTS tie breaker procedures.  

The top 10 students from each division will be recognized with plaques or medals. Another group of students will be recognized as Honorable Mention with certificates.  There will be certificates for the team round winners as well.

Parents are welcome to stay in the Sycamore School auditorium during the individual test. They can listen in during the time when we are reviewing the questions with the students. Parents are invited to eat lunch with the students and then watch the team round and awards ceremony. If an adult would like to eat with the students the cost will be $5 per adult. There will be a limited number of adult meal tickets available on the day of the contest.  To insure an adult meal ticket please include the $5 with your child’s registration.

Sycamore is located at 1750 W. 64th St, Indianapolis, IN.  Students should arrive by 9:45 so the contest can start promptly at 10:00.

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