Summer Programs

Sycamore’s summer camps and classes have been a tradition since the school’s founding in 1985. We are thrilled to provide a variety of exciting and enriching summer programs, which are available to Sycamore students as well as students who do not attend Sycamore.
Our summer program offerings are designed to help students discover and explore new topics and interests, build confidence and creativity, and keep their academic skills sharp. With the instruction of many Sycamore faculty and staff members, as well as a few of our trusted community partners, students will grow, learn, and have an awesome time during camps and classes that are not to be missed.
Registration opens February 1.
Below you will find a list of typical summer camp offerings by academic division—Early Childhood (Preschool, Prekindergarten, and Kindergarten), Lower School (Grades 1-4), and Middle School (Grades 5-8). Click on the specific academic division to view that given list.

Winner of "2023 Best Summer Camps in Indianapolis" and "2024 Best Summer Camps in Indianapolis" awards from Indianapolis Star.
For any questions regarding summer programs, please feel free to contact Jeremy Kaylor.
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